Sunday, 18 March 2007

How Our Physiology Can Help Our Self Improvement

How Our Physiology Can Help With Self Improvement

It is a well accepted and scientifically proven fact that how we feel mentally and emotionally affects how we look and feel physically. Our thoughts and emotions affect how our bodies feel, our facial expressions, and how we act and move. We can all easily identify someone who is angry, or depressed, or happy, by their face, their body language and their overall demeanour.

However, not so well known is the fact that this works both ways. We can actually change how we feel by changing the way we move, our posture and our and facial expressions. Smiling or laughing is a perfect example. It actually takes a lot less effort and uses a lot less facial muscles to smile than it does to frown. Smiling and laughing also make changes to our blood flow and oxygen levels and stimulates our brain. We all know that smiling and laughing make us feel good and change our mood.

To be continued….

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

“ We must all realise that emotion is created by motion. The way we move changes the way we think, feel and behave” – Anthony Robbins

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