Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Self Improvement Secret of the Day: Never Failing Is Easy

Self Improvement Secret of the Day: Never Failing Is Easy

It is extremely easy to try one or two things and give up if they don’t work out. There is no doubt that when this happens, it is easy to question our abilities and ambitions, or think we were misguided in trying to a build a better life for ourselves and our family. Many people consider themselves failures when this happens and just retreat to their comfort zones.

However, it’s worth remembering that he only way we can guarantee we will never fail is to never try anything.

Just think, if we never tried anything or gave up at the first or second hurdle, we wouldn’t be able use our computers, drive our cars, play sports - or even read, walk and talk!

To be continued….

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in, forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day, you shall begin it well and serenely...” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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