Self Improvement and Dealing with Challenges
Throughout our lives we all constantly face problems that can be caused either by events beyond our control our through our own decisions. The way we deal with these setbacks will have a great impact on our Self Improvement and success.
It can be very easy to become disheartened and discouraged. Setbacks can dent our confidence and make us question our beliefs. Sometimes we can even feel there is no alternative but to give up on our plans and goals.
However, it’s critical to remember that it is not the actual obstacles and problems themselves that determine our results. What really matters is how we react and respond to our obstacles and problems.
To be continued….
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
'The way we see the problem is the problem' - Stephen R Covey
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Wednesday, 28 February 2007
Tuesday, 27 February 2007
Self Improvement Secret of the Day: Living in the Present Moment (continued)
Self Improvement Secret of the Day: Living in the Present Moment (continued)
Most of us have on ongoing internal dialogue within our minds, even if we aren’t aware of it. We rehash events that have happened to us in the past and replay them in our minds, both good and bad. We also visualise events that we expect to happen to us in the future, both good and bad. When we’re at work we spend time thinking about our domestic lives, and when we’re at home we think about our problems at work. If we’re not careful our days can slip by without us really noticing.
This can happen so easily, that we sometimes need to make a concerted effort to enjoy each present moment – or run the risk of depriving ourselves of a lot of pleasure. Planning for the future is essential, and we can all learn from the past. However, savouring the present moment and enjoying the simple pleasures, like a beautiful sunset, or the joy of a laughing child, or a walk on a deserted beach with a loved one, can make our lives infinitely richer.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” - Buddha
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Most of us have on ongoing internal dialogue within our minds, even if we aren’t aware of it. We rehash events that have happened to us in the past and replay them in our minds, both good and bad. We also visualise events that we expect to happen to us in the future, both good and bad. When we’re at work we spend time thinking about our domestic lives, and when we’re at home we think about our problems at work. If we’re not careful our days can slip by without us really noticing.
This can happen so easily, that we sometimes need to make a concerted effort to enjoy each present moment – or run the risk of depriving ourselves of a lot of pleasure. Planning for the future is essential, and we can all learn from the past. However, savouring the present moment and enjoying the simple pleasures, like a beautiful sunset, or the joy of a laughing child, or a walk on a deserted beach with a loved one, can make our lives infinitely richer.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” - Buddha
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Sunday, 25 February 2007
Self Improvement Secret of the Day: Living in the Present Moment
Self Improvement Secret of the Day: Living in the Present Moment
Having clear goals and desires for our future, and planning for their fulfilment are vital steps if we are serious about self improvement and achievement and there are many Self Improvement experts that can help.
Delayed gratification is something that is practiced by many successful people, even if they aren’t aware of it. In simple terms, delayed gratification means making sacrifices now in order to achieve greater rewards in the future.
Most successful people become successful because they take actions and make sacrifices that less successful people are not prepared to do or make. However, in order to live a well rounded life and enjoy a rewarding lifestyle, we also need to be able to make the most of where we are at any given time.
To be continued….
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
'Having spent the better part of my life trying either to relive the past or experience the future before it arrives, I have come to believe that in between these two extremes is peace.' - Author Unknown
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self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Having clear goals and desires for our future, and planning for their fulfilment are vital steps if we are serious about self improvement and achievement and there are many Self Improvement experts that can help.
Delayed gratification is something that is practiced by many successful people, even if they aren’t aware of it. In simple terms, delayed gratification means making sacrifices now in order to achieve greater rewards in the future.
Most successful people become successful because they take actions and make sacrifices that less successful people are not prepared to do or make. However, in order to live a well rounded life and enjoy a rewarding lifestyle, we also need to be able to make the most of where we are at any given time.
To be continued….
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
'Having spent the better part of my life trying either to relive the past or experience the future before it arrives, I have come to believe that in between these two extremes is peace.' - Author Unknown
Click here for the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Saturday, 24 February 2007
Who’s Who In Self Improvement – Jose Silva (continued)
Who’s Who In Self Improvement – Jose Silva (continued)
Through the years, a number of scientific studies have been made concerning the nature of reported benefits of the Silva Mind Control Method, both physiological and psychological. Results of research by Dr. J.W. Hahns, prove that the Silva Mind Control Method helps to improve health, sleep, relaxation ability, memory, confidence, self worth, habit control, creativity, psychic awareness, scholastic and athletic abilities.
Today his life’s work is being presented in over 30 languages in 111 countries. Silva served as Chairman of the Board of The Silva Method up until 1999, when he passed away peacefully in his home.
Over 1 Million people have used Jose Silva's mind training techniques for self improvement to help them build a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life. Click here to learn more and get a 9 chapter eBook and 30 minute audio on the Silva UltraMind System - for Free.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“Change is Growth. Without change there can be no strengthening of concept, no greater awareness, no evolution. Change is a necessary part of the human experience. To avoid change is to avoid life.” - Jose Silva
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Through the years, a number of scientific studies have been made concerning the nature of reported benefits of the Silva Mind Control Method, both physiological and psychological. Results of research by Dr. J.W. Hahns, prove that the Silva Mind Control Method helps to improve health, sleep, relaxation ability, memory, confidence, self worth, habit control, creativity, psychic awareness, scholastic and athletic abilities.
Today his life’s work is being presented in over 30 languages in 111 countries. Silva served as Chairman of the Board of The Silva Method up until 1999, when he passed away peacefully in his home.
Over 1 Million people have used Jose Silva's mind training techniques for self improvement to help them build a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life. Click here to learn more and get a 9 chapter eBook and 30 minute audio on the Silva UltraMind System - for Free.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“Change is Growth. Without change there can be no strengthening of concept, no greater awareness, no evolution. Change is a necessary part of the human experience. To avoid change is to avoid life.” - Jose Silva
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Friday, 23 February 2007
Who’s Who In Self Improvement – Jose Silva
Who’s Who In Self Improvement – Jose Silva
During his lifetime, Jose Silva was a businessman, athlete, artist, educator, scientist, philosopher, and the founder of The Silva Method. He spent his entire lifetime developing his creative and intuitive abilities and teaching others self improvement by finding their own abilities within themselves.
Silva spent over 20 years studying great minds, researching the human condition, and developing self-help programs before unveiling his findings. Silva’s research findings – The Silva Method — first made its way to the public eye in 1966. Silva's pioneering research and revolutionary teachings focussed on the unlimited power of the human brain and telepathy and ESP, long before the recent discoveries in brain research, that have confirmed many of his ‘theories’.
To be continued….
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
"Change is a necessary part of the human experience. To avoid change is to avoid life" - Jose Silva
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
During his lifetime, Jose Silva was a businessman, athlete, artist, educator, scientist, philosopher, and the founder of The Silva Method. He spent his entire lifetime developing his creative and intuitive abilities and teaching others self improvement by finding their own abilities within themselves.
Silva spent over 20 years studying great minds, researching the human condition, and developing self-help programs before unveiling his findings. Silva’s research findings – The Silva Method — first made its way to the public eye in 1966. Silva's pioneering research and revolutionary teachings focussed on the unlimited power of the human brain and telepathy and ESP, long before the recent discoveries in brain research, that have confirmed many of his ‘theories’.
To be continued….
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
"Change is a necessary part of the human experience. To avoid change is to avoid life" - Jose Silva
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Thursday, 22 February 2007
Self Improvement and the Power of Concentration
Self Improvement and the Power of Concentration
One the most important Self Improvement skills to develop to ensure our success is the ability to concentrate.
The most intelligent, gifted or educated person is unlikely to succeed without being able to focus on important tasks and concentrate totally on their completion. Any person with even average intelligence, that can discipline themselves to concentrate 100% on their highest priorities, will almost certainly achieve better results than supposedly ‘smarter’ people who can’t or don’t.
It is very easy to be distracted. We are all constantly faced with countless distractions every day, many of which may be more interesting than the tasks we know we should be doing.
Some people find concentrating on one task very difficult, and there are resources available to help develop this vital skill. Or it may just take more self discipline. If Self Improvement and achievement are important to you, it is well worth doing whatever it takes to master the ability to focus and concentrate.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“Concentration is the secret of strength in politics, in war, in trade, in short in all management of human affairs.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
One the most important Self Improvement skills to develop to ensure our success is the ability to concentrate.
The most intelligent, gifted or educated person is unlikely to succeed without being able to focus on important tasks and concentrate totally on their completion. Any person with even average intelligence, that can discipline themselves to concentrate 100% on their highest priorities, will almost certainly achieve better results than supposedly ‘smarter’ people who can’t or don’t.
It is very easy to be distracted. We are all constantly faced with countless distractions every day, many of which may be more interesting than the tasks we know we should be doing.
Some people find concentrating on one task very difficult, and there are resources available to help develop this vital skill. Or it may just take more self discipline. If Self Improvement and achievement are important to you, it is well worth doing whatever it takes to master the ability to focus and concentrate.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“Concentration is the secret of strength in politics, in war, in trade, in short in all management of human affairs.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Click here for the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Wednesday, 21 February 2007
Self Improvement and Flexibility (continued)
Self Improvement and Flexibility (continued)
One thing we can be sure of is that things rarely go according to plan.
Even with the best planning, the unexpected can and probably will happen. Things beyond our control can make our plans unworkable. Or our plans may not be working because they are flawed.
It’s easy to become so involved and attached to our goals and plans that we may not even be aware this is happening. Sometimes, even if we are aware, we may not be prepared to accept that we aren’t getting the expected results.
We definitely shouldn’t just give up - many people have missed out on reaching their goals because they gave up too soon. But we can’t afford to be dogmatic either. We must be prepared to be flexible and adapt our plans to changing circumstances if necessary.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“It is a wise person that adapts themselves to all contingencies; it's the fool who always struggles like a swimmer against the current” – Source unknown
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
One thing we can be sure of is that things rarely go according to plan.
Even with the best planning, the unexpected can and probably will happen. Things beyond our control can make our plans unworkable. Or our plans may not be working because they are flawed.
It’s easy to become so involved and attached to our goals and plans that we may not even be aware this is happening. Sometimes, even if we are aware, we may not be prepared to accept that we aren’t getting the expected results.
We definitely shouldn’t just give up - many people have missed out on reaching their goals because they gave up too soon. But we can’t afford to be dogmatic either. We must be prepared to be flexible and adapt our plans to changing circumstances if necessary.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“It is a wise person that adapts themselves to all contingencies; it's the fool who always struggles like a swimmer against the current” – Source unknown
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
Self Improvement and Flexibility
Self Improvement and Flexibility
People who want to achieve success in their lives and are committed to Self Improvement know the value of setting goals and making workable plans for their realisation. These are essential steps to success. If you need any guidance with goal setting techniques or planning, there are many invaluable tools available from Self Improvement Experts that can really help.
Perseverance and determination are also essentials for success. But an equally important success skill is the ability to change your plans, or even abandon them completely if necessary.
To be continued….
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Anonymous
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Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
People who want to achieve success in their lives and are committed to Self Improvement know the value of setting goals and making workable plans for their realisation. These are essential steps to success. If you need any guidance with goal setting techniques or planning, there are many invaluable tools available from Self Improvement Experts that can really help.
Perseverance and determination are also essentials for success. But an equally important success skill is the ability to change your plans, or even abandon them completely if necessary.
To be continued….
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Anonymous
Click here for the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Monday, 19 February 2007
Discipline and Self Improvement (continued)
Discipline and Self Improvement (continued)
It takes discipline to do the things you know you should do when you don’t feel like doing them, It takes discipline to be able to follow your vision despite indifference or negative opinions of friends and family. It takes discipline to work on you dreams when you could be relaxing with friends or watching TV. It also takes discipline to
search out and read the books, listen to the tapes, learn the skills, or get the training that can greatly enhance your progress towards your goals.
And there are countless other examples. If you desire self improvement and success, you need goals and you need to make plans to reach them. But without the discipline to take the actions and to follow through, your dreams are likely to remain just that - dreams and nothing more.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don't like to do. They don't like doing them either necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the strength of their purpose.” - E.M. Gray
Click here for the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
It takes discipline to do the things you know you should do when you don’t feel like doing them, It takes discipline to be able to follow your vision despite indifference or negative opinions of friends and family. It takes discipline to work on you dreams when you could be relaxing with friends or watching TV. It also takes discipline to
search out and read the books, listen to the tapes, learn the skills, or get the training that can greatly enhance your progress towards your goals.
And there are countless other examples. If you desire self improvement and success, you need goals and you need to make plans to reach them. But without the discipline to take the actions and to follow through, your dreams are likely to remain just that - dreams and nothing more.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don't like to do. They don't like doing them either necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the strength of their purpose.” - E.M. Gray
Click here for the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Sunday, 18 February 2007
Discipline and Self Improvement
Discipline and Self Improvement
Most of us are regularly exposed to information offering get rich quick schemes and ways to make our fortune for little or even no effort. This is probably even more the case for students of Self Improvement than for most other people.
There may even be some people who have become rich as a result of such offers.
However, if you study the lives of successful and wealthy people you will be unlikely to find many, if any, that achieved their success with little effort. Most worked very hard for their success, and you’ll find few, if any that didn’t have one of the fundamental skills of self improvement and success – discipline.
To be continued….
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“No horse gets anywhere until he is harnessed. No stream or gas drives anything until it is confined. No Niagara is ever turned into light and power until it is tunneled. No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined.” - Harry Emerson Fosdick
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Most of us are regularly exposed to information offering get rich quick schemes and ways to make our fortune for little or even no effort. This is probably even more the case for students of Self Improvement than for most other people.
There may even be some people who have become rich as a result of such offers.
However, if you study the lives of successful and wealthy people you will be unlikely to find many, if any, that achieved their success with little effort. Most worked very hard for their success, and you’ll find few, if any that didn’t have one of the fundamental skills of self improvement and success – discipline.
To be continued….
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“No horse gets anywhere until he is harnessed. No stream or gas drives anything until it is confined. No Niagara is ever turned into light and power until it is tunneled. No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined.” - Harry Emerson Fosdick
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Saturday, 17 February 2007
Self Improvement and The Power of Questions (continued)
Self Improvement and The Power of Questions (continued)
We all experience events that seem too overwhelming to deal with, and there is a great deal of valuable information available to help in these situations. But in almost any situation, no matter how bad it may seem, there is usually something positive that can be found.
Actually asking the question ‘what can I learn from this situation?’ is a great starting point, even if you only learn what not to do in the future. But you can go much further. It has often been said that when one door closes another opens; and that in every setback lies opportunity. Don’t just stare at the closed door - why not try asking yourself 'what opportunities are now available?', or 'what doors may have have just opened for me?' It will improve your state of mind and may just change you life.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“A major stimulant to creative thinking is focused questions. There is something about a well-worded question that often penetrates to the heart of the matter and triggers new ideas and insights.” – Brian Tracy
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Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
We all experience events that seem too overwhelming to deal with, and there is a great deal of valuable information available to help in these situations. But in almost any situation, no matter how bad it may seem, there is usually something positive that can be found.
Actually asking the question ‘what can I learn from this situation?’ is a great starting point, even if you only learn what not to do in the future. But you can go much further. It has often been said that when one door closes another opens; and that in every setback lies opportunity. Don’t just stare at the closed door - why not try asking yourself 'what opportunities are now available?', or 'what doors may have have just opened for me?' It will improve your state of mind and may just change you life.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“A major stimulant to creative thinking is focused questions. There is something about a well-worded question that often penetrates to the heart of the matter and triggers new ideas and insights.” – Brian Tracy
Click here for the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Friday, 16 February 2007
Self Improvement and The Power of Questions
Self Improvement and The Power of Questions
Asking questions is one of the most basic ways that we all learn and grow. The questions we ask other people, and even more importantly, the questions we ask ourselves, can have a dramatic impact on our self improvement, success and happiness.
There are times when we find ourselves in difficult or uncomfortable situations, or even in a position where we feel completely overwhelmed. It can be very easy to say ‘what have I done to deserve this?’ or ‘why does this always happen to me?’
However, these questions are destructive and only serve to prepare us for future disappointments. In fact, they can actually guarantee it! The questions we ask ourselves reflect our state of mind, reinforce our beliefs and have a huge impact on our results.
To be continued….
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“Questions are the answer” – Anthony Robbins
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Asking questions is one of the most basic ways that we all learn and grow. The questions we ask other people, and even more importantly, the questions we ask ourselves, can have a dramatic impact on our self improvement, success and happiness.
There are times when we find ourselves in difficult or uncomfortable situations, or even in a position where we feel completely overwhelmed. It can be very easy to say ‘what have I done to deserve this?’ or ‘why does this always happen to me?’
However, these questions are destructive and only serve to prepare us for future disappointments. In fact, they can actually guarantee it! The questions we ask ourselves reflect our state of mind, reinforce our beliefs and have a huge impact on our results.
To be continued….
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“Questions are the answer” – Anthony Robbins
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Thursday, 15 February 2007
Self Improvement and Listening Skills (Continued)
Self Improvement and Listening Skills (Continued)
Like most skills, we can learn to communicate and listen better if we really want to, and there are many Communication Experts available who can help. Despite what many people may think, good communication is not all about concentrating on getting across our own points of view and opinions. It has been said that we were given two ears and one mouth for good reason.
The most basic - and important - communication skills are the ability to listen impartially, to try to absorb the essence of what the other person is saying, and to really understand their point of view. These are the skills that will make us better communicators, better friends and partners, and help our self improvement and overall progress.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he gets to know something.” - Wilson Mizner
Click here for the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Like most skills, we can learn to communicate and listen better if we really want to, and there are many Communication Experts available who can help. Despite what many people may think, good communication is not all about concentrating on getting across our own points of view and opinions. It has been said that we were given two ears and one mouth for good reason.
The most basic - and important - communication skills are the ability to listen impartially, to try to absorb the essence of what the other person is saying, and to really understand their point of view. These are the skills that will make us better communicators, better friends and partners, and help our self improvement and overall progress.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he gets to know something.” - Wilson Mizner
Click here for the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Wednesday, 14 February 2007
Self Improvement and Listening Skills
Self Improvement and Listening Skills
Effective listening is almost certainly the most important communication skill, and essential to anyone serious about Self Improvement.
Some people envy those who have the ‘gift of the gab’ and always seem to be the centre of attention. However, this does not mean that good talkers are good communicators; in fact they are often just the opposite.
When engaged in conversation, it is very easy to pay little attention to what the other person is actually saying. We can become easily distracted by countless other thoughts and things happening around us, or thinking about what we are going to say next.
To be continued….
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.” - Ralph Nichols
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Effective listening is almost certainly the most important communication skill, and essential to anyone serious about Self Improvement.
Some people envy those who have the ‘gift of the gab’ and always seem to be the centre of attention. However, this does not mean that good talkers are good communicators; in fact they are often just the opposite.
When engaged in conversation, it is very easy to pay little attention to what the other person is actually saying. We can become easily distracted by countless other thoughts and things happening around us, or thinking about what we are going to say next.
To be continued….
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.” - Ralph Nichols
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Tuesday, 13 February 2007
Self Improvement Seminars
Self Improvement Seminars
Can attending Seminars, help with Self Improvement?
Seeing a Personal Development Expert in person and working on proven techniques and developing action plans etc can often have a profound and lasting impact on your success and happiness.
There is no doubt that reading self improvement books, listening to audio program and watching videos are all excellent ways to help your personal development. However, some people find it difficult to get started or maintain the momentum on their own. The interaction that a seminar offers, along with added dimension of meeting other delegates with similar interests, can make all the difference. High quality seminar will also include the important ingredients of follow up and action plans, so you can benefit long after the actual event.
Click her to find out about Seminars from Self Improvement and Motivational Experts where you have the opportunity to experience the best of their ideas first hand.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.” - Mortimer Adler
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Can attending Seminars, help with Self Improvement?
Seeing a Personal Development Expert in person and working on proven techniques and developing action plans etc can often have a profound and lasting impact on your success and happiness.
There is no doubt that reading self improvement books, listening to audio program and watching videos are all excellent ways to help your personal development. However, some people find it difficult to get started or maintain the momentum on their own. The interaction that a seminar offers, along with added dimension of meeting other delegates with similar interests, can make all the difference. High quality seminar will also include the important ingredients of follow up and action plans, so you can benefit long after the actual event.
Click her to find out about Seminars from Self Improvement and Motivational Experts where you have the opportunity to experience the best of their ideas first hand.
Self Improvement Quote of the Day:
“The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.” - Mortimer Adler
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Monday, 12 February 2007
Creativity and Self Improvement
Creativity and Self Improvement
Can developing your Creativity help with Self Improvement and your quest to make positive changes in your life?
Undoubtably. We are all born creative, albeit to different degrees and in different ways. Often the way our lives have evolved means that we use very little of the creativity that we were born with. Education and growing up generally can even actively stifle, rather than enhance, our natural creativity.
It’s also easy to find that you’ve spent years doing things that are very different to how you wanted to spend your life. Developing our creativity can help us to discover the inspiration to live the life of our dreams and enjoy true happiness and fulfilment.
Self Improvement Tips Quote of the Day:
“Creativity is a central source of meaning in our lives... [and] when we are involved in it, we feel that we are living more fully than during the rest of life.” - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Can developing your Creativity help with Self Improvement and your quest to make positive changes in your life?
Undoubtably. We are all born creative, albeit to different degrees and in different ways. Often the way our lives have evolved means that we use very little of the creativity that we were born with. Education and growing up generally can even actively stifle, rather than enhance, our natural creativity.
It’s also easy to find that you’ve spent years doing things that are very different to how you wanted to spend your life. Developing our creativity can help us to discover the inspiration to live the life of our dreams and enjoy true happiness and fulfilment.
Self Improvement Tips Quote of the Day:
“Creativity is a central source of meaning in our lives... [and] when we are involved in it, we feel that we are living more fully than during the rest of life.” - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Sunday, 11 February 2007
Self Improvement and Communication Skills (continued)
Self Improvement and Communication Skills (continued)
But there’s much more to communcication than just being a good talker. One essential part of communication is the ability to make yourself understood. But if there is one single skill that will make you a better communicator, it‘s to make more of an effort to really listen and understand others first, rather than to make yourself heard and understood.
You will find many useful tools here from Self Improvement and Communication experts if you are looking some ideas and help to enhance your communication skills.
Self Improvement Tips Quote of the Day:
'The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention…. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words.' – Rachel Noami Remen
Click here for the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
But there’s much more to communcication than just being a good talker. One essential part of communication is the ability to make yourself understood. But if there is one single skill that will make you a better communicator, it‘s to make more of an effort to really listen and understand others first, rather than to make yourself heard and understood.
You will find many useful tools here from Self Improvement and Communication experts if you are looking some ideas and help to enhance your communication skills.
Self Improvement Tips Quote of the Day:
'The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention…. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words.' – Rachel Noami Remen
Click here for the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Saturday, 10 February 2007
Self Improvement and Communication Skills
Self Improvement and Communication Skills
For anyone serious about success and Self Improvement the ability to communicate more effectively is one of the most essential skills to develop.
What is communication? One dictionary describes communication as “the imparting or exchange of information, ideas, or feelings”.
Good communication is much more than having the ability to talk eloquently. It’s also much more than being able to convince people to your point of view. These are certainly useful qualities, particularly if you work in sales, and most of us have to sell in one way or another, whether we realise it or not, even if it’s only selling ourselves.
To be continued….
Self Improvement Tips Quote of the Day:
"If you just communicate you can get by. But if you skilfully communicate, you can work miracles" - Jim Rohn
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
For anyone serious about success and Self Improvement the ability to communicate more effectively is one of the most essential skills to develop.
What is communication? One dictionary describes communication as “the imparting or exchange of information, ideas, or feelings”.
Good communication is much more than having the ability to talk eloquently. It’s also much more than being able to convince people to your point of view. These are certainly useful qualities, particularly if you work in sales, and most of us have to sell in one way or another, whether we realise it or not, even if it’s only selling ourselves.
To be continued….
Self Improvement Tips Quote of the Day:
"If you just communicate you can get by. But if you skilfully communicate, you can work miracles" - Jim Rohn
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Friday, 9 February 2007
Who’s Who in Self Improvement – Anthony Robbins
Who’s Who in Self Improvement – Anthony Robbins
A recognized authority on the psychology of leadership, negotiations, organizational turnaround, and peak performance, Anthony Robbins has directly impacted the lives of nearly 50 million people from 80 countries with his best-selling books and audiotape products, public speaking engagements, and live appearances.
He is an extraordinarily successful entrepreneur and a consultant to professional sportsmen and women, presidents of corporations and countries, and members of royal families around the world. His non profit Anthony Robbins Foundation provides assistance to the elderly, homeless and inner-city youth feeding more than a million people a year through its “Basket Brigade”.
Self Improvement Tips Quote of the Day:
“You see, it's never the environment; it's never the events of our lives, but the meaning we attach to the events - how we interpret them - that shapes who we are today and who we'll become tomorrow.” – Anthony Robbins
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
A recognized authority on the psychology of leadership, negotiations, organizational turnaround, and peak performance, Anthony Robbins has directly impacted the lives of nearly 50 million people from 80 countries with his best-selling books and audiotape products, public speaking engagements, and live appearances.
He is an extraordinarily successful entrepreneur and a consultant to professional sportsmen and women, presidents of corporations and countries, and members of royal families around the world. His non profit Anthony Robbins Foundation provides assistance to the elderly, homeless and inner-city youth feeding more than a million people a year through its “Basket Brigade”.
Self Improvement Tips Quote of the Day:
“You see, it's never the environment; it's never the events of our lives, but the meaning we attach to the events - how we interpret them - that shapes who we are today and who we'll become tomorrow.” – Anthony Robbins
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Thursday, 8 February 2007
Self Improvement and a Positive Mental Attitude (continued)
Self Improvement and a Positive Mental Attitude (continued)
Having a positive mental attitude can make a dramatic difference in countless ways, but this doesn’t mean that things don’t go wrong for positive, optimistic people. Everyone has their share of problems, but it’s how we react to these problems that makes all the difference. A positive person will probably substitute ‘problems’ with ‘challenges’ or maybe even ‘opportunities’ and search for some good in the situation, which can usually be found in any situation if you look for it.
If you feel in need of inspiration there are many valuable free resources available that can help you to develop and retain a positive outlook, and deal with the challenges we all face.
Self Improvement Tips Quote of the Day:
'Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.' - Francesca Reigler
Click here for the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Having a positive mental attitude can make a dramatic difference in countless ways, but this doesn’t mean that things don’t go wrong for positive, optimistic people. Everyone has their share of problems, but it’s how we react to these problems that makes all the difference. A positive person will probably substitute ‘problems’ with ‘challenges’ or maybe even ‘opportunities’ and search for some good in the situation, which can usually be found in any situation if you look for it.
If you feel in need of inspiration there are many valuable free resources available that can help you to develop and retain a positive outlook, and deal with the challenges we all face.
Self Improvement Tips Quote of the Day:
'Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.' - Francesca Reigler
Click here for the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Wednesday, 7 February 2007
Self Improvement and a Positive Mental Attitude
Self Improvement and a Positive Mental Attitude
Is a positive mental attitude important to your success in life? Absolutely! If you are serious about self improvement, making a commitment to develop a positive, optimistic and enthusiastic outlook and attitude to life will almost certainly be one of the most important decisions you ever make.
If you confidently expect the best, there is much more chance you will experience it. Your thoughts usually become your reality, so it’s important to think about what you do want, because thinking about what you don’t want is likely to attract exactly what you are trying to avoid.
To be continued…
Self Improvement Tips Quote of the Day:
“You see, it's never the environment; it's never the events of our lives, but the meaning we attach to the events - how we interpret them - that shapes who we are today and who we'll become tomorrow.” – Anthony Robbins
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Is a positive mental attitude important to your success in life? Absolutely! If you are serious about self improvement, making a commitment to develop a positive, optimistic and enthusiastic outlook and attitude to life will almost certainly be one of the most important decisions you ever make.
If you confidently expect the best, there is much more chance you will experience it. Your thoughts usually become your reality, so it’s important to think about what you do want, because thinking about what you don’t want is likely to attract exactly what you are trying to avoid.
To be continued…
Self Improvement Tips Quote of the Day:
“You see, it's never the environment; it's never the events of our lives, but the meaning we attach to the events - how we interpret them - that shapes who we are today and who we'll become tomorrow.” – Anthony Robbins
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Technorati Tags:
self improvement, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, motivation, inspiration
Tuesday, 6 February 2007
Self Improvement and Personal Coaching
Self Improvement and Personal Coaching
How can a Personal Coach help with Self Improvement?
It’s very easy to become so involved in your job or business and the demands of day to day living, that it can feel like you are on a treadmill, or have no free time, or can even feel completely overwhelmed. You can be so busy dealing with ‘urgent’ demands on your time that much more important things can be pushed aside, or even completely forgotten, often with disastrous long term results. Other talented people may feel they are not achieving the results they desire or making real progress.
Whatever your situation, there are many highly experienced Personal Coaches that can help you to step back and see the ‘wood from the trees’, and work with you on short and long term action plans and strategies to help you achieve more fulfilment, satisfaction and balance in your life.
A good personal coach can bring out the best in almost anyone, and have a dramatic impact on the effectiveness and productivity of an individual or an entire organisation.
Self Improvement Secrets Quote of the Day:
"I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual, and which invariably finds a way to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable."
- John Russell, Managing Director, Harley-Davidson Europe Ltd.
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
How can a Personal Coach help with Self Improvement?
It’s very easy to become so involved in your job or business and the demands of day to day living, that it can feel like you are on a treadmill, or have no free time, or can even feel completely overwhelmed. You can be so busy dealing with ‘urgent’ demands on your time that much more important things can be pushed aside, or even completely forgotten, often with disastrous long term results. Other talented people may feel they are not achieving the results they desire or making real progress.
Whatever your situation, there are many highly experienced Personal Coaches that can help you to step back and see the ‘wood from the trees’, and work with you on short and long term action plans and strategies to help you achieve more fulfilment, satisfaction and balance in your life.
A good personal coach can bring out the best in almost anyone, and have a dramatic impact on the effectiveness and productivity of an individual or an entire organisation.
Self Improvement Secrets Quote of the Day:
"I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual, and which invariably finds a way to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable."
- John Russell, Managing Director, Harley-Davidson Europe Ltd.
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Monday, 5 February 2007
Self Improvement Newletters
Self Improvement Newletters
Are you looking for regular motivation and inspiration? Are you looking for personal development ideas and tips that can help to make your life happier and more rewarding, or practical ideas and help with your quest for success and achievement?
Then look no further than Self Improvement Directory Tips, our entertaining and informative FREE Newsletter Self Improvement Directory Tips. Each issue includes our Self Improvement Tip of the Week, plus articles from guest experts, details of important figures and works of personal development, inspirational quotes, news, special offers, fun stuff and other interesting and valuable material.
Click here for fulll details.
Self Improvement Secrets Quote of the Day:
"Our background and circumstances may have influenced who
we are, but we are responsible for who we become." - Barbara Geraci
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Are you looking for regular motivation and inspiration? Are you looking for personal development ideas and tips that can help to make your life happier and more rewarding, or practical ideas and help with your quest for success and achievement?
Then look no further than Self Improvement Directory Tips, our entertaining and informative FREE Newsletter Self Improvement Directory Tips. Each issue includes our Self Improvement Tip of the Week, plus articles from guest experts, details of important figures and works of personal development, inspirational quotes, news, special offers, fun stuff and other interesting and valuable material.
Click here for fulll details.
Self Improvement Secrets Quote of the Day:
"Our background and circumstances may have influenced who
we are, but we are responsible for who we become." - Barbara Geraci
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Sunday, 4 February 2007
Important Works of Self Improvement
Important Works of Self Improvement
What are some of the most influential works of Self Improvement?
James Allen’s early 20th century classic As A Man Thinketh is certainly one of them. In fact, it can be considered partly responsible for the creation of the personal development and self improvement industry. Many current Self Improvement experts cite this book as an important influence on their principles.
Mark Victor Hansen, co-author, the Chicken Soup books said "I have personally read As a Man Thinketh over 25 times. Timeless material."
The book is described as set of philosophical musings on the power of our thoughts, and how we become what we think about. As A Man Thinketh has influenced millions of people and is included in this collection of the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources which you'll find here!
Self Improvement Secrets Quote of the Day:
“All that you accomplish or fail to accomplish with your life is the direct result of your thoughts.” – James Allen
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
What are some of the most influential works of Self Improvement?
James Allen’s early 20th century classic As A Man Thinketh is certainly one of them. In fact, it can be considered partly responsible for the creation of the personal development and self improvement industry. Many current Self Improvement experts cite this book as an important influence on their principles.
Mark Victor Hansen, co-author, the Chicken Soup books said "I have personally read As a Man Thinketh over 25 times. Timeless material."
The book is described as set of philosophical musings on the power of our thoughts, and how we become what we think about. As A Man Thinketh has influenced millions of people and is included in this collection of the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources which you'll find here!
Self Improvement Secrets Quote of the Day:
“All that you accomplish or fail to accomplish with your life is the direct result of your thoughts.” – James Allen
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Saturday, 3 February 2007
Self Improvement and the Power of Your Brain
Self Improvement and the Power of Your Brain
Human brain researchers claim that 98% of everything Scientists know about the brain has been discovered in just the last 6 years, and that 80% of what they thought was true about the brain before 1995, has now been found to be false!
What does this mean for Self Improvement? It means that these findings can be incorporated into the latest achievement, success, self-motivation tools and techniques for much more effective and long lasting results.
To find out more and how this brain research can help your personal development and self improvement, and get hold of some valuable tools and resources, there are various resources including Free Newsletters and Articles, and eBooks for sale here and you’ll also find Free Newsletters, eCourses, Reports and Teleseminars, and details of Live Seminars here
Self Improvement Secrets Quote of the Day:
"Brain Science is now capable of providing us with insight into the human brain that only a few years ago would have been considered the stuff of science fiction. An exciting consequence of this research is that by following certain brain-based guidelines, anyone can achieve expert performance in sports, business, or academic pursuits.
"Such findings of course run counter to the old traditional theory that winners are born not made. This is not so. Instead, it is now clear that by learning about and applying this new research, most of us can reasonably expect greatly enhanced personal levels of achievement." - Dr Richard Restak, one of the leading research neuroscientists in the world, speaking in 2003
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Human brain researchers claim that 98% of everything Scientists know about the brain has been discovered in just the last 6 years, and that 80% of what they thought was true about the brain before 1995, has now been found to be false!
What does this mean for Self Improvement? It means that these findings can be incorporated into the latest achievement, success, self-motivation tools and techniques for much more effective and long lasting results.
To find out more and how this brain research can help your personal development and self improvement, and get hold of some valuable tools and resources, there are various resources including Free Newsletters and Articles, and eBooks for sale here and you’ll also find Free Newsletters, eCourses, Reports and Teleseminars, and details of Live Seminars here
Self Improvement Secrets Quote of the Day:
"Brain Science is now capable of providing us with insight into the human brain that only a few years ago would have been considered the stuff of science fiction. An exciting consequence of this research is that by following certain brain-based guidelines, anyone can achieve expert performance in sports, business, or academic pursuits.
"Such findings of course run counter to the old traditional theory that winners are born not made. This is not so. Instead, it is now clear that by learning about and applying this new research, most of us can reasonably expect greatly enhanced personal levels of achievement." - Dr Richard Restak, one of the leading research neuroscientists in the world, speaking in 2003
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Friday, 2 February 2007
Self Improvement Audio Programs
Self Improvement Audio Programs
Does listening to Self Improvement Audio Programs work? Undoubtedly yes, feeding your mind with positive thoughts, ideas and information can make a dramatic impact on your success.
The average car owner spends hundreds of hours, sometimes much more, in their car each year. Commuting by public transport can take up similar amounts of time. You can’t afford not to utilise this time listening to some of the many invaluable Audio Programs available. It’s also worth noting that high quality Audio Program can include the best ideas and strategies from literally dozens of books.
If you are serious about improving your life and making positive changes, listening with an open mind to Self Improvement Audio Programs from inspirational speakers and writers can do wonders for your motivation, enthusiasm and overall success and happiness.
Self Improvement Secrets Quote of the Day:
“The man who is too old to learn was probably always too old to learn.” - Henry S. Haskins
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Does listening to Self Improvement Audio Programs work? Undoubtedly yes, feeding your mind with positive thoughts, ideas and information can make a dramatic impact on your success.
The average car owner spends hundreds of hours, sometimes much more, in their car each year. Commuting by public transport can take up similar amounts of time. You can’t afford not to utilise this time listening to some of the many invaluable Audio Programs available. It’s also worth noting that high quality Audio Program can include the best ideas and strategies from literally dozens of books.
If you are serious about improving your life and making positive changes, listening with an open mind to Self Improvement Audio Programs from inspirational speakers and writers can do wonders for your motivation, enthusiasm and overall success and happiness.
Self Improvement Secrets Quote of the Day:
“The man who is too old to learn was probably always too old to learn.” - Henry S. Haskins
You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!
Thursday, 1 February 2007
Who's Who in Self Improvement – Brian Tracy
Who's Who in Self Improvement – Brian Tracy
Who is Brian Tracy and why is he one of the most important figures in Self Improvement?
Brian Tracy has had successful careers in sales and marketing, investments, real estate, development and syndication, importation and management consulting. Before forming Brian Tracy Learning Systems
he was the chief Operating Officer of a development company with $265m in assets and $75m annual sales.
He is considered on of the world’s leading authorities on personal development and maximising human potential: and as a best selling author, speaker, coach, consultant and motivator, Brian Tracy has inspired millions of people in both their business and personal lives.
Find out more about Brian Tracy here and you can find information from many other Self Improvement Experts here
Self Improvement Secrets Quote of the Day:
“The great breakthrough in your life comes when you realize that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself. This means there are no limits on what you can be, have or do.” – Brian Tracy
Click here for the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources!
Who is Brian Tracy and why is he one of the most important figures in Self Improvement?
Brian Tracy has had successful careers in sales and marketing, investments, real estate, development and syndication, importation and management consulting. Before forming Brian Tracy Learning Systems
he was the chief Operating Officer of a development company with $265m in assets and $75m annual sales.
He is considered on of the world’s leading authorities on personal development and maximising human potential: and as a best selling author, speaker, coach, consultant and motivator, Brian Tracy has inspired millions of people in both their business and personal lives.
Find out more about Brian Tracy here and you can find information from many other Self Improvement Experts here
Self Improvement Secrets Quote of the Day:
“The great breakthrough in your life comes when you realize that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself. This means there are no limits on what you can be, have or do.” – Brian Tracy
Click here for the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources!
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